Can Tho University successfully hosted the international symposium on

  “Aquatic products processing: Cleaner Production Chain for Healthier Food” 

Production, processing and trading of aquaculture and fisheries products are increasingly important. Naturally, the concerned issues, especially issues regarding cleaner production, food quality and food safety are thus also increasingly taken into account for healthier food and healthier life. This symposium is thus jointly organized by Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (TUMSAT) and Can Tho University (CTU) during 7-9 December, 2015 to address the recent achievement and major issues from production to consumption of aquatic products

There were 120 participants from university, scientists, producers, traders, provincial processing departments managers and students joined the symposium, especially 30 participants from Japan, Thailand, Malaysia and USA.

This symposium comprises of three main sessions, including cleaner production and materials, food products processing and food safety, and markets and trading aquatic products. During the symposium, specialists from Thailand and Vietnam presented keynotes lectures on status and strategies of raw materials production for aquatic food processing in Vietnam, maximized uses of fish processing byproducts: transformation to value-added products and improving value chain management for sustainable development of seafood industry. Beside 25 oral presentations, 20 diversified poster presentations were also undertaken. During the symposium, participants had also had great excursion to the super-intensive white-leg shrimp farms in Bac Lieu province and seafood processing factories in Can Tho.

Beside the scientific presentations, discussion and on-site visits, the symposium is an excellent opportunity for specialists, scientists, producers, traders and managers to exchange information and knowledge on seafood production chain for food safety from farm to table.

Professor Nguyen Thanh Phuong, Vice Rector of Can Tho University presented welcome speech

Professor Emiko Okazaki, TUMSAT, presented remark speech

Food processing specialists presented oral reports

Symposium participants visited the super-intensive white-leg shrimp aquaculture at Viet-Uc company, in Bac Lieu province


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